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Call for papers



The Department of Romani Studies and Sociology of Education, the Wlislocki Henrik Student Society and the Romology Research Centre at University of Pécs sincerely invites you to take part at the


13th Romani Studies International Conference


Identity constructions - Community and individual


Date of the conference: 

8-9. April 2025. 



Location:  6. Ifjúság Street, 7624 Pécs, Hungary – building D, floor/3   


The online Conference is mainly focusing on institutions what teach about Roma, Gypsy related topics and/or do research on Roma, Gypsy related topics. Central objective of the conference is providing a platform where these institutions could introduce themselves, could meet and understand the work of each other and to deepen existing professional relations and to build new ones. Joint professional thinking is essential for the development of research educational contents related to Romani Studies.

Beside the representatives of Romani Studies related institutions we invite educators, teachers, researchers, students and professionals who deal Roma related research. Presentations about good practices or Roma related programs are also welcomed at the conference. Abstract reviewers will evaluate submissions based on the criteria listed below.

Abstracts (n: 1300-1500 characters; contained 3-5 key words) in Hungarian and in English are welcomed as well. 

The presentations will be organized as separate in-person or online sessions. The online sessions will be hosted on the Teams platform.

We are looking for applications for in-person or online symposia for the conference. We cannot support hybrid arrangements. The online symposia will be hosted on the Teams platform.



Main disciplinary areas of the conference are:

  1. Social sciences
  2. Linguistics
  3. Educational Sociology


Abstract Submission Deadline: 

16th February 2025. 24:00 CET

Abstract Submission link: 

Type of proposal

  • section presentation (15 min presentation + 5 min discussion) online or personal

    • symposia (3-5 presentations, 60 min presentation + 20 min discussion) online or personal

    • poster (5-6 min presentation)



Conference Chair: Dr. habil. Tibor Cserti Csapó


Program Committee of the Conference: Prof. Dr. Katalin Forray R., Dr. habil. Aranka Híves-Varga, Dr. Helga Andl, Dr. Zoltán Beck, Dr. Szilvia Lakatos, Dr. Fanni Trendl


Organizing Committee: Dr. habil. Tibor Cserti Csapó, Dr. Helga Andl, Dr. Szilvia Lakatos, Erika Csovcsics, Gergely Horváth




Further information on the conference will be available on the website and we are waiting for further conference-related questions to the e-mail address.


Conference participation is free.


Proposals will be evaluated by a team of reviewers according to each of the following criteria:

  1. scores can be given for each criterion. (Total: 30 points)


  1. The abstract is well written and organized, offering background and context to show how the project fits into the overall discipline in a meaningful and novel way.

    1. Theoretical framework

      1. State, in clear terms, the central research question and the purpose of the research.

      2. Provide a brief discussion of the research methodology.

      3. Relevance, currency, appropriateness and significance of the topic/issue/problem

      4. General quality, structure and style of the abstract.



